Application Evaluations for Foundations
Support and Empowerment for Applicants and Benefactors
Is a project really worth supporting?
Are the individual budget items really realistically calculated?
Is the schedule feasible?
What are potential difficulties?
What are the experiences, figures, facts in this field?
Would an agile approach be possible to get more data?
What are the qualifications the project proponents need?
What are the long-term costs and consequences for the organisation?
Is the financing plan fantasy, well conceivable or even proven?.
Does the actual impact model have a hand and a foot? Or is it simply enthusiasm and hope to contribute?
In almost 20 years I have been able to gather a lot of practical experience, including with.... mistakes. Time and again, I have also seen teams who, for years and persistently, assumed ideal conditions, clichés and hopes that were not so. These shortcomings are in the nature of small non-profit organisations and as a patron you can provide non-financial help.
It is tedious and sobering to be told where fantasy differs from reality. At the same time, it is a magical moment when together you find the lever that really really works. And it's less stressful when you can actually keep promises made to donors and they know their funds are being used effectively.
Educing Competence
Before the project proposal.
I am happy to share with your applicants what makes a good project concept and what could be tweaked.
I study what is already available and give written or oral feedback and am available for individualised crash courses, e.g. on funding strategy, impact models, web technology, digitisation and document preparation for applications, evaluation strategy.
Offer: You call me with the most difficult question you have. The next day, you still find that my answer has moved them forward, hire me for an initial exchange: 077 420 63 69
After the project proposal.
At a distance, as a foundation officer or patron, it can be very difficult to assess a proposal or teams.
I am happy to accept commissions from foundations or empower you as a private patron 1: 1 to gain the skills you need. My specialties here are projects in sustainability and education, sustainability and film, web projects and digitisation of an organisation.
Offer: Test me and send me an application to which I will then give a written initial impression.
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